Sunday, May 31, 2009

My week in photos

This week has been extraordinarily eventful in the G house AND extraordinarily full of picture taking. So, I thought that I would give you a run down of my week through the photos I took.

Last Saturday my mom and the kids went to the Butterfly Show at Krohn Conservatory. This is a
picture of one of the butterflies we saw while on our visit.

Henry turned 6!

The last day of school! (This caption is for the next two as well)
This picture is from Sydney's first grade awards assembly. She received Honor Roll (all year) and Tiger Cub (all year). (Tiger Cub means that she was well-behaved)

It is a little blurry, but this is Henry shaking the principal's hand at Kindergarten "Graduation"

Henry leaving school, never to return as a kindergartner AGAIN!

Henry bridged this Saturday to become a Tiger Cub Cub Scout (not to be confused with Tiger Cub at School). This is a picture of him getting his Tiger Cub neckerchief tied on.

And finally, but not least, my very own grill!! I love grilling and here is a picture of Saturday night's dinner on my new grill. It was DELICIOUS!

Well, as you can see it was a very exciting week here.
(Not to mention the almost tornado Saturday night)

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It has only been like 4 weeks since I said that I would try and blog at least once every week... I think the operative word there is "TRY." Especially, because I have tried, I swear!

For the life of me I can't think of anything to type, that would not take a lot of time and not be really boring.
For instance, I could maybe start writing some of "Max and the 11th Dinosaur" on here, but that would take a lot of time, especially since it has been a REALLY long time since I wrote anything fictional and not for a college class.
Or, I could write a little about what I'm doing these days, but I don't think people want to read about how I am writing VBS curriculum for my job/church and I am very far behind and a little stressed about it... because that is all I am doing these days. I would just say the same thing every post.

I was talking to a friend the other day and she has started a blog of pictures of things that she thinks looks really neat (actually she told me that my sunglasses are on it... I need to find the blog) and another friend of mine finished a year long thing where she did "self" portraits...
I don't have anything interesting like that to do, and I definitely don't want to have about 365 pictures of myself on the interweb... YUCK! (Chris, which is only to say that pictures of myself would be yuck, I really enjoyed yours)

Well, either way, I am going to keep blogging away. I think it is a habit I need to strengthen (unlike my terrible habit of eating food ALL the time... that one needs to END). And maybe after VBS is through, I WILL start on some "Max and the 11th Dinosaur"... that would be fun.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I am subbing right now and as a result I can't get onto facebook. Maybe that is a sign that I am attached to facebook a little too much... But since I haven't blogged for last week I figured I could blog right now.

Anyways, I wanted to tell everyone about my grades from my first year of Grad school. (Note: I don't think it is pompous to tell everyone that I'm in Grad School, which is why I tell everyone about it when I talk about school) I just checked my final grades and I got A's in both of my classes!! Which means that I have gotten ALL A's so far in grad school!!! That is really exciting! I have never gotten all A's in my college classes... at least post children college classes.

Also, just a few words about high schoolers. I LOVE them! (That is where I am subbing right now.) I have been listening to them reagale us with information about this past weekend. It was prom and apparently the "senior campout" and today is senior skip day. Oh Man!! Just the various discussions that are occuring... and thier passion about all of it is amazing. They talk about the events like they are the most important things ever.

Well, thanks for reading! I'll blog again later this week!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

What I learned after a weekend with 16 preteens

So, as promised my blog a week is here... and Rachel, I'm sorry it isn't "exactly" a week from my last one, but it is "within" the week from the last one.

Let me give you some background to this post before I start. Last weekend, actually exactly a week from when I am typing this, I took 16 preteens (4th-6th graders) and 3 adults to a CIY convention (a humongous event for kids to learn more about Jesus.. to put it very simply). It was just ONE night, and even within 24 hours. However, this was everyone's first time doing something like this (including me and one of my adults) and I learned A LOT! Here are a few of them.
  • Always tell children explicitly what is going to happen and when. Or you will have to repeat yourself 16 more times and the end result is like herding cats.
  • You must take careful notes when talking to a parent about what they expect you to do for their kid and follow it to a tee. (I'm still waiting to see how this one ends up)
  • If they are on stage they are immediately a star (this is probably even true for us adults, too) NOTE: I have a picture for this, but I left it on my other computer, I'll get if for you soon.
  • A large Caramel Frappuccino can go a loooong way (but beware of the side effects)
  • Sometimes you really just need a break...
So, there it is, 5 bullet points of pure wisdom... ok, well, maybe not PURE wisdom, but there is a little bit in there. If you want to get in-depth stories of any of the points email me or call me I'll be glad to share.